Good times in Spain

Created by Graham 3 years ago

Our friendship with Ken and Jane started just over a decade ago when we became near neighbours in Zarzadilla de Totana, Spain. Our time there was always enhanced when our visits coincided with theirs. We have a lot in common having had jobs overseas and our families being similar with each of us having one son and now being proud Grandparents.

Our social interaction usually involved eating and drinking and Ken was always at the forefront of choosing and identifying new venues for us to explore. The priority for Ken was always good quality food, red wine and of course ambience. The locations he came up with were often off the beaten track and provided significant challenges to find. It soon became clear that Ken did not have the best sense of direction but undeterred we always made it. What Ken lacked in sense of direction was more than made up with his quick witted sense of humour. Many of our Spanish lunches were accompanied with a bottle of red crianza wine and/or gin and tonic and continued until bed time as we enjoyed listening to Ken's anecdotal stories and lifetime experiences.

We spent a number of memorable trips together over several New Year periods with Ken and Jane when we explored different parts of Spain and have been very impressed with Ken's light and nimble footwork on the dancefloor!! Continuing the drinking theme, in Jerez the home of Spainsh sherry, we had an unforgettable tour sampling the local sherry followed of course with lunch which continued through to 6.00pm! Needless to say only one of us remembered the journey home, and that was the driver!!

It was always reassuring having Ken close by to help navigate some of the challenges dealing with the formalities of having property in Spain as he always knew the processes and what was required or would investigate via the internet.

Our time in Spain will never be the same knowing that Ken won't be here but we have unforgettable memories of a truly lovely man.

Your loving friends

Diane and Graham
